HC Deb 14 February 1849 vol 102 cc741-2

On the Order of the Day for going into Committee of Ways and Means,


said, he wished to put a question to the right hon. Gentleman the Chancellor of the Exchequer. At the close of the last Session, Parliament, in consequence of the distressed state of the West India islands, granted to them a loan, on certain conditions as to repayment. Among the islands entitled to the benefit of that loan, was, of course, Jamaica; and the right hon. Gentleman was no doubt aware that, owing to the distressed state of that island, and to the circumstance that it was already encumbered with debts, which there were no means of discharging, the colonists were unable to avail themselves of the benefits intended for them by Her Majesty's Government. The loan having been designed to improve the condition of the colony, by encouraging the immigration of labourers, he wished to ask whether, seeing that the colony had, for the reason which he had stated, declined to accept the loan, the Government proposed to accomplish the original object of the loan by any other mode?


regretted that his right hon. Friend (Mr. Goulburn) had not given him notice of his intention to put the question. He was not aware that any island was unable to accept a portion of the loan. No advance, he believed, had yet been made; but he would take care to inform himself as to the facts, and give a reply on a future day.


said, considerable anxiety existed with reference to the budget. He did not know whether the right hon. Gentleman the Chancellor of the Exchequer could then state at what period he would bring it forward; but he hoped he would soon be in a position to do so. Those who felt an interest in the financial state of the country wished to know, before any vote was taken, whether for the Army, the Navy, or any other great public establishment, what means were at the disposal of the Government?

The House then went into Committee, and agreed to a vote of 8,000,000l. out of the Consolidated Fund.