§ MR. HERRIEShad a question to put to the right hon. Gentleman the Chancellor of the Exchequer, arising out of an answer which that right hon. Gentleman had given to a question put to him on a previous occasion. The question which was asked related to the hop duty, and he (Mr. Herries) had not been able to catch distinctly from the answer given what determination the Government had come to. As far as he could collect the meaning of the right hon. Gentleman, he understood him to observe either that his intentions had boon prematurely divulged, or that they had been incorrectly promulgated. It was very desirable, for the sake of a great number of suffering farmers, that there should be no longer any suspense or doubt upon this subject, and therefore he hoped the right hon. Gentleman would inform the House what were the intentions of Her Majesty's Government.
§ The CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERexpressed his obligations to the right hon. Gentleman for putting the question to him, and said that what the Government proposed to do was to postpone, till some day about Michaelmas, the payment 534 of the duties payable in May, on a bond being given by the parties wishing to avail themselves of the indulgence. He said "about Michaelmas," because he should like to fix his own day, but he proposed to give the parties the benefit of the picking this year.
§ Subject at an end.