HC Deb 02 April 1849 vol 104 cc145-6

wished to put a question to the noble Lord at the head of Her Majesty's Government relative to the colony of British Guiana. It appeared that letters had been conceived, stating that Governor Barkly had just arrived there, but that he had stated to the Court of Policy that he had no arrangements to propose with reference to the civil list. He wished to ask the noble Lord whether he was correct in supposing that Mr. Barkly had gone out without any instructions on the subject?


replied, that the Government had not received any accounts from Governor Barkly since he left this country. There were no written instructions given to him with regard to the civil list; but Mr. Barkly, the new Governor, perfectly well understood, he believed, that if there were an address to the Crown on the subject of a civil list, there was every disposition on the part of Her Majesty's Government to consider the charges of the civil list, with a view to their reduction. That list, however, having been settled for a certain period of time, of course Mr. Barkly must be aware that no alteration could be made in it without the consent of the Crown.

Subject at an end.