HC Deb 01 September 1848 vol 101 c761

inquired whether the Russian troops were not still in Moldavia; whether the noble Lord the Foreign Secretary had had any communication from Russia upon this subject; and whether the troops were likely to he speedily withdrawn?


These Russian troops entered Moldavia, some time ago, at the request of the Hospodar, and without any orders from the Cabinet of St. Petersburgh. I believe, in fact, that when it was made known at Constantinople, the Russian Minister there sent a communication to the general, that a commissary was going to those provinces, and that therefore their presence was not wanted, and that upon that they were going to withdraw. Since that, I believe, orders have been received from St. Peters-burgh that they should remain till further instructions. The corps is not large, but it does remain there. I have had recent communications from St. Petersburgh, stating that the purpose for which it is there is the maintenance or re-establishment of order, that its stay is only temporary, and that it will be withdrawn when the occasion has ceased; of course, no definite period was stated, but it was avowed to be only a temporary occupation. Russia has certain relations with those principles as a protecting Power, by virtue of treaties; and therefore it is not entirely a case of the entrance of the troops of one Government into the country of another with which it has no concern. The entry is on the authority of the Hospodar, and there is no disposition for the acquisition of territory.