§ Minutes. New Member Sworn. William Mordaunt Edward Milner, Esq., for York.
§ Public Bills.—1°I. Merchant Seamen's Fund; Metropolis Police; Light Dues.
§ Reported.—Public Health ; Law of Entail (Scotland). 5° and passed; Joint Stock Companies.
§ Petitions Presented. By Mr. Colvile, from Derby, for the Issuing of the Writ for an Election for that Borough.—By Mr. Clay, from Hull, and by other Hon. Members, from several Places, for Extension of the Elective Franchise.— By Mr. Home Drummond, from Dumbarney, and its Vicinity, respecting Quoad Sacra Churches.—By Sir Joshua Walmsley, from Woodgate, Loughborough, for Discouragement of Idolatry (India). —By Lord G. Benthick, from Lyme Regis, and by other Hon. Members, from a Number of Places, for Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. J. B. Smith, from Dunfermline, for Abolition of Oaths.—By Mr. Bright, from the Presbytery of Lancashire, and by other Hon. Members, from several Places, in favour of the Places of Worship Sites (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Home Drummond, from Perthshire, for Repeal of the Duty on Attorneys' Certificates.—By Mr. Octavius Morgan, from 1410 Vaynor (Brecon), for Rating Owners in lieu of Occupiers of Tenements.—By Mr. Hodgson, from Carlisle, respecting Spirit Licences.—By Sir De L. Evans, from Ratepayers of the Parish of St. Clement Danes (Westminster), for Revision of Taxation.—By Mr. Home Drummond, from Perthshire, for Alteration of the Banking Law.—By Mr. Romilly, trom Devonport, for Alteration of the Law respecting Bankruptcy and Insolvency.—By Mr. Munta, from Richard Gathorne Butt, praying the House to afford him its Protection. —From Ministers, Churchwardens, and Parishioners of East Donyland, Essex, against the Diplomatic Relations, Court of Rome, Bill.—By Lord Ashley, from Bath, for Suppression of Dog Carts,—By Dr. Bowring, from Lancaster, in favour of Secular Education.—By Mr. George Hamilton, from Stradbally, Queen's County, and several other Places, for Encouragement to Schools in Connexion with the Church Education Society (Ireland).—By Mr. Hornby, from Blackburn (Lanaster), for Extension of the Factories Act.—By Mr. Lockhart, from the Commissioners of Supply, Lanark, against the Law of Entail (Scotland) Bill.—By Sir T. Birch, from Working Porters of Liverpool, respecting Master Porters of the same Place.—By Mr. Alexander Hastie, from Glasgow, for Exemption respecting the Lunatic Asylums (Scotland) Bill.—By Sir J. Trollope, from the Board of Guardians of the Boston Poor Law Union, for Alteration of the Law respecting Mendicancy. —By Mr. Duncan, from Dundee, for Amendment of the Poor Law (Scotland).—By Captain Fordyce, from the City of Old Aberdeen, for Extending the Public Health Bill to Scotland.—By Lord Ashley, from the Town of Keighley, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, in favour of the Public Health Bill.—By Colonel Matheson, from the Town Council of the Royal Burgh of Forres, suggesting the granting of Loans on Railways (Scotland).—By Mr. J. Matheson, from the Parish of Kilmuir Easter, Ross-shire, against the Registering of Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill (1847); and Marriage (Scotland) Bill (1847).—By Admiral Gordon, from the Presbytery of Alford, against Schoolmasters (Scotland) Bill.—By Lord Ashley, from Bath, for Inquiry into the Slave Trade.—By Mr. William Lockhart, from Commissioners of Supply of the County of Lanark, for Completion of the Survey of Scotland.—By Mr. Fuller, from Trustees of the Turnpike Road leading from Beech Down, near Battel, to Heathfield (Sussex), for Alteration of the Law for Regulating Turnpikes.