§ NEW MEMBER SWORN.—For Kinsale, Benjamin Hawes, Esq.
§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Schoolmasters (Scotland).
§ Reported.—Election Recognizances.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Electors of the Western Division of the County of Gloucester, for Inquiry into the Gloucester County (Western Division) Election.—By Mr. Wilson Patten, from Whalley, in the Diocese of Manchester, against the Roman Catholic Relief Bill.—By Mr. Aglionby, from Members of the Society of Staple Inn, and by other Hon. Members, from several Places, for a Repeal of the Duty on Attorneys' Certificates.—By Sir John Duckworth, from Governors of the Devon and Exeter Hospital, and by Mr. Spooner, from several Charitable Institutions in Birmingham, for Exemption of Charitable Bequests from the Legacy Duties.—By Sir P. Egerton, from Northwich (Chester), against the Property Tax Bill.—By several Members, from various Lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellow", Manchester Unity, for an Extension of the Benefit Societies Act.—By the Earl of March, from Distillers in Banffshire, respecting the Bonding of British Spirits.—By Mr. Heald, 1097 from Haggerstone (Middlesex), and by other Hon. Members, from several Places, against the Diplomatic Relations with the Court of Rome Bill.—By the Earl of March, from the Presbytery of Strathbogie (Banffshire), for Regulating the Licensing System (Scotland).—By Lord Melgund, from Greenock, against Repeal of the Navigation Laws.—By Sir P. Egerton, from Northwich (Chester), for Alteration of the Public Health Bill.