HC Deb 22 March 1848 vol 97 c856

PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Great Yarmouth Freemen Disfranchisement.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Scholefield, from Birmingham, for Adoption of Universal Suffrage, &c.—By Mr. J. Martin, from Tewksbury, in favour of the Jewish Disabilities Bill.—From Inhabitants of Kilmacow (Kilkenny), for Removal of the Disabilities of the Roman Catholic Clergy (Ireland).—By Mr. Muntz, from Birmingham, and by Sir John Trollope, from Sleaford (Lincoln), for a Repeal of the Duty on Attorneys' Certifiates.—By Mr. Brotherton, from Salford, and by Mr. Ker Seymer, from the Governors of the Dorset County Hospital, for Exemption of Charitable Institutions from the Legacy Duties.—By Mr. Sullivan, from the Corporation of Kilkenny, for Abolition of Ministers' Money (Ireland).—By Sir J. M'Taggart, from the Town Council of Whithorn, for Alteration of the Probate and Legacy Duties.—By Mr. Matthew Bell, from several Lodges of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for an Extension of the Benefit Societies Act.—By Mr. Cumming Bruce, from Alexander Forsyth and Company, Distillers, respecting Bonding of British Spirits,—By Mr. J. Greene, from Mullinavat (Kilkenny), and by Mr. Poulett Scrope, from several Places, for Inclosure of the Commons and Waste Lands (Ireland).—By several Members, from a number of Places, against the Diplomatic Relations with the Court of Rome Bill.—By Mr. Sharman Crawford, from Kilmacow (Kilkenny), and by Mr. John Greene, from Mullinavat (Kilkenny), for Alteration of the Law of Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Bill.—By Mr. Alexander Hastie, from Paisley, for Amendment of the Poor Law (Scotland).—By Mr. Compton, from Milbrook (South ampton), and by Mr. Muntz, from the Company of Pro prietors of the Birmingham Canal Navigations, for Alteration of the Public Bill.—By Mr. Stafford from Wellingborough; and from Stockton-upon-Tees (Durham), in favour of the Public Health Bill.