HC Deb 16 March 1848 vol 97 c698

said, that as the Adjourned Debate on the Treaty of Adrianople was upon the Orders of the Day, he wished to state, that as there was no possibility of his bringing the adjourned debate on for some time—not less than three weeks—and having communicated with his noble Friend the Member for Marylebone (Lord D. Stuart), who was the only Member who wished to address the House upon the subject, he had come to the determination to move that the order be discharged. If, however, any hon. Gentleman objected to his doing so, he would proceed with the debate. He felt deeply grateful to the House for the attention with which he had been received, aware as he was of the difficulties with which he had had to struggle, and sensible of the force of prejudice with which he had had to contend. He was impressed with a sense of the great justice, forbearance, and even generosity with which the House had received him.


regretted that so serious a charge as that which had been brought against a Minister of the Crown, should have been preferred upon a mere Motion for papers.—Order discharged.

House adjourned at a quarter past One.