§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Barron, from Members of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Waterford, and by Mr. Bouverie, from Merchants, Bankers, and Others, of Glasgow, against a Repeal of the Navigation Laws.—By Mr. Fergus, from Members of the Kirkaldy Presbytery (Scotland), against Additional Endowment of the Parochial Schools (Scotland).—By Sir W. Somerville, from the Board of Guardians of the Poor for the South Dublin Union, for an Alteration of the Poor Law (Ireland).—By Viscount Ebrington, from several Working People of Mile End, in favour of the Public Health Bill.—By Mr. Greenall, from Pawnbrokers, and Others, of Warrington, Lancashire, in favour of the Remedies against the Hundred Bill.—By Mr. Fergus, from the Moderator and Members of the Presbytery of St. Andrews, against the Registering Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill (1847): and Marriage (Scotland) Bill (1847).—By Mr. John Evans, from Members of the Haverfordwest Literary and Scientific Institution for Alteration of the Scientific Societies Bill.—From Freeholders of the County of Essex, complaining of the Inclosure of Waltham Forest.—By Mr. Bright, Mr. Anderson, and several other Hon. Members, from an Immense Number of Places, in Favour of an Extension of the Elective Franchise.—By Mr. Gladstone, from the Deanery of Chesterfield, and its Neighbourhood, for an Alteration of the Law respecting Bishops,—By Mr. Cobden, from the Village of Fulstow (Lincoln), and several other Places, in favour of a Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. Fox Maule, from Bannockburn, and its Vicinity, in favour of the Places of Worship Sites (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Hume, from the Committee of the West London Anti-Enclosure Association, for Retrenchment of the Expenditure.—By Lord George Bentinck, from Agents of the West India Colonies, against the Proposed Measures respecting the Sugar Duties,—By Mr. George Thompson, from the Congregation of the Primitive Methodists of St. Ives, Cornwall, in favour of a Reduction of the Duties on Tea, Coffee, Sugar, and Cocos.—By Mr. Wakley, from Thomas Cattell, M.D., Bramston (Northampton), for Inquiry respecting Arsenic.—By Sir Edward Buxton, from Havering-atte-Bower (Essex), against the Diplomatic Relations, Court of Rome, Bill,—By Lord Ashley, from a Number of Artisans and Mechanics of London, praying for Remedial Measures in their Distress.—From Henry Karslake, of No. 4, Regent Street, in the Parish of St. James's, Westminster, for Production of certain Evidence on a Trial respecting the Great Eastern and Western Railway Bill (1846).—By Mr. Sharman Crawford, from Tenant Fanners, and Others, resident in the Lame Poor Law Union, against the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Bill.—By Mr. Wakley, from Members of the Port Philip Medical Association, in favour of an Extension of the Medical Registration and Medical Law Amendment Bill to the Colonies.—By Mr. Labouchere, from Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, G.C.B., respecting the Merchant Seamen's Fund as ragards Seamen Shipwrecked in the Colonies.—By Mr. Cobden, from Trustees for Improving the Town of Halifax, against, and by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, from the Clergy, Magistrates, and Others, of the same Place, in favour of, the Public Health Bill.—By Mr. Wakley, from the Guardians of the Poor of the Radford Union (Lincoln), in favour of an Alteration of the Law of Rating and Settlement.—By Sir F. Thesiger, from George Hetherington, of Essex Court, Temple, Parliamentary Agent, respecting the Warwickshire, and London Railway (Worcester and Weedon Line) Bill, 1846.