§ NEW MEMBER SWORN. For Chester County (Northern Division), George Cornwall Legh, Esq.
§ PUBLIC BILLS. Reported.—Imprisonment for Debt (Ireland).
§ 3° and passed;—Public Health; Appeals on Civil Bills (Dublin).
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Ord, from Dissenters of Hanover Square Chapel, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for an Alteration of the Form of Oaths taken by Members of Parliament.—By Mr. Henry Berkeley, and Dr. Bowring, from an Immense Number of Places, for an Extension of the Elective Franchise.—By Mr. Bouverie, and other Hon. Members, from several Places, for Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. Ellice, from Straithkinness, and its Neighbourhood, Fifeshire, in favour of the Places of Worship Sites (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Hume, from Inhabitants of the Island of Jamaica, to take the Case of the West India Colonies into Consideration.—By Mr. Cardwell, from Liverpool, against any Alteration of the Sugar Duties.—By Sir John Pakington, from Members of the Mauritius Association in London, for Carrying out the Recommendations of the Committee appointed to Inquire into the Sugar Duties.—By Mr. Loch, from the Town Council of the Royal Burgh of Kirkwall, for Inquiry respecting the Crown Lands (Orkney).—By Viscount Adare, from the Parish of Glyncorrwg, Glamorganshire, against the Diplomatic Relations, Court of Rome, Bill.—By Mr. G. S. Duff, from Members of the Parochial Board of Elgin, for Alteration of, and by Mr. Duncan, from Dundee, against, the Lunatic Asylums (Scotland) Bill.—By Sir George Grey, from Members of Royal College of Surgeons of England, in favour of Reform in the Medical Profession.—By Mr. Trelawny, from Guardians of the Poor of the Tavistock Union, for an Alteration of the Law respecting Mendicancy.—By Captain Berkeley, from Masters, Mates, and Seamen employed in the Merchant Service, in the Port of London, respecting the Merchants' Fund as Affecting Seamen Shipwrecked in the Colonies.