§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Spirits (Dealers in); Highland Roads, Bridges, &c. (Scotland); British Spirits Warehousing; Public Works (Ireland), (No. 2).
§ Reported.—Administration of Justice (No. 1); Administration of Justice (No. 2); Protection of Justices from Vexatious Actions.
§ 3° and passed;—Game Certificates for Killing Hares (Scotland).
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Bright, Mr. Sharman Crawford, and other Hon. Members, from an Immense Number of Places, for an Extension of the Elective Franchise.—By Mr. Bright, from the Parishes of Radcliffe and Prestwich (Lancaster), for the Abolition of Church Rates.—By Mr. George Thompson, from Members of the Baptist Congregation of Church Street, Stoke-upon-Trent, for Discouragement of Idolatry in India.—By Lord Henry Bentinck, from Arnold (Nottingham), and by other Hon. Members, from several Places, for Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. Robert Tennent, from the Presbytery of Templepatrick (Ireland), in favour of the Places of Worship Sites (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Charles Villiers, from the Directors of the General Life and Fire Insurance Company, London, for a Repeal of the Duty on Fire Insurances.—By Mr. Cowan, from the Clergy, Physicians, and Merchants, of the City of Perth, for Exemption of Charitable Bequests from the Legacy Duties.