HC Deb 31 July 1848 vol 100 c1041

Public Bills.—1° Turnpike Act continuance; Westminster Improvements.

2° London (City) Small Debts; Highway Rate; Insolvent Debtors' Court; Clerks of the Peace (Dublin): Fisheries (Ireland); Loan Societies; Proclamations on Fines, Court of Common pleas; Dublin Police; Assessionable Manors Commissioner (Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster).

Reported.—Poor Law Union Charges (No. 2); Coastabulary Force (Ireland).

3° and passed:—Reproductive Loan Fund Institution (Ireland); Juvenile Offenders (Ireland); Land Tax Commissioners' Names; Regent's Quadrant Colonnade; Rum, &c. Duties; Parliamentary Electors.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Lushington, from Edward Swift, and Others, from several Places, for the Adoption of Universal Suffrage.—By Viscount Melgund, from the Sugar Refiners of Glasgow and Greenock, against the Admission of Foreign Refined Sugar.—By Mr. M'Gregor, from Henry Bristow, a Lieutenant Colonel in the British Army, complaining of his Expulsion from Spain.—By Mr. Corbally, from the High Sheriff and Grand Jury of the County of Meath, respecting various Depredations by Killing Cattle, Sheep, &c,—By Mr. Leslie, from Monaghan, for the Abolition of the Office of Coroner (Ireland).—By Sir R. Ferguson, from Donegal, for Inquiry respecting the Poor Law (Ireland).—By Mr. Archibald Hastie, from Ratepayers of Paisley, in favour of an Amendment to the Poor Law (Scotland).—By Dr. Bow-ring, from the Guardians of the Bolton Union, Lancashire, in favour of the Poor Law Union Charges Bill.—By Colonel Damer, from Shinrone and Parsonstown, in the King's County, complaining of the Stoppage of the Public Works (Ireland).—By Mr. William Lockhart, from the Kirk Officers, within the Presbytery of Glasgow, against the Registering of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland) Bill.-By Mr. Alexander Hastie, from the Directors of the Paisley Athenæum, against the Scientific Societies Bill.