HC Deb 29 July 1848 vol 100 c1014

On the Motion of MR. C. BULLER, the House went into Committee pro formâ on this Bill. The right hon. Gentleman stated that his object in moving that the Bill should go into Committee, was, to propose the omission of the clause which had been inserted declaratory of the right of Irish paupers to parochial relief in this country, after an industrial residence of five years. Since the insertion of the clause, he had ascertained that it was unnecessary. [Mr. M. J. O'CONNELL should object to the clause being struck out.] He regretted exceedingly that it had ever been inserted. Its introduction into the Bill might tend to produce an impression that he had doubts as to the law as it at present stood, whereas, in truth, he did not entertain any; and, he believed, that legal opinions to the effect that you might deny relief to Irish paupers who had been resident in the same parish five years would be found to be exceedingly rare. He believed that all the advantages of the law were as much intended for the Irish poor as for the English poor.

Several hon. Members for Ireland having intimated their intention to oppose the omission of the clause,

The House resumed.

Committee to sit again.

House adjourned at a quarter past Seven.