§ MINUTES. PUBLIC BILL.—1° Ecclesiastical Unions and Divisions of Parishes (Ireland).
§ 2° Trustees Relief (Ireland).
§ Reported.—Country Cess (Ireland).
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord J. Russell, Mr. Osborne, and several other Hon. Members, from an Immense Number of Places, in favour of an Extension of the Elective Franchise.—By Mr. W. J. Fox, in favour of Universal Suffrage.—By Mr. Osborne, from Worcester, in favour of the Abolition of Church Rates.—By Mr. George Thompson, from Sheffield, and by other Hon Members, from several Places, for a Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Lord Robert Grosvenor, from the Vicar of Ardeley (Herts), against the Delivery of Letters on Sunday.—By Mr. Meagher, from Inhabitants of St. John's, Newfoundland, for Reform in the Government of that Colony.—By Mr. Cobden, from Kingston, in the Island of Jamaica, to take the State of the West India Colonies into Consideration.—By Mr. W. Lockhart, from an Association of West India Merchants in the City of Glasgow, for an Adequate Protection to the Sugar Trade.—By Mr. Hornby, from Members of an Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for an Extension of the Benefit Societies Act to that Order—By Mr. Henry Hope, from Gloucester, against the Diplomatic Relations with the Court of Rome Bill.—By Mr. Sharman Crawford, from Rochdale, in favour of a Secular Education.—By Lord Brooke, from several Ratepayers in the Southern Division of Warwickshire, against the Highways Bill.—From Clergymen, Justices of the Peace, and Others, of Sussex, for the Establishment of Measures for the Reformation of Juvenile Offenders.—By Mr. William Fagan, from the Commissioners for Preserving the Port, Harbour, and River of Cork, for Improving the Piers and Harbours (Ireland)—By Mr. Grantley Berkeley, from Westbury-upon-Severn Union, for an Alteration of the Poor Law.—By Mr. West, from Ruthlin Union, Denbigh, and by other hon. Members, from several Places, in favour of a Superannuation Fund for Poor' Law Officers.—By Mr. George Dundas, from the Commissioners of Supply of Linlithgowshire, against the Proposed Alteration of the Law respecting the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland).—By the Solicitor-General, from the Devonport Mechanics' Institution, for an Alteration of the Scientific Societies Bill,—By Lord John Russell, from William Palmer, of Kinder Street, Deptford, for Amendment of the Small Debts Act.