§ MINUTES. PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Corn Markets (Ireland);
§ Life Policies of Assurance.
§ 2° Naval Medieal Supplemental Fund Society.
§ PETITION PRESENTED. By Mr. W. J. Fox, Mr. Milner Gibson, and other Hon. Members, from an Immense Number of Places, in favour of an Extension of the Elective Franchise.—By Mr. Bright, from several Places, for Adoption of Universal Suffrage.—By Mr. Cobden, from Sandhurst, Kent, for Adoption of Vote by Ballot.—By Mr. Thompson, from Fleet and Holbeach, for Discouragement of Idolatry in India.—By Mr. Alcock, from Betchworth and Leigh, Surrey, and from several other Places, in favour of a Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. Cowan, from Libberton. Edinburgh, in favour of the Places of Worship Sites (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Cobden, from Huddersfield, Yorkshire, for Inquiry respecting the Rajah of Sattara—By Mr. George Thompson, from Manchester, for a Repeal of the Last Remnant of the Corn Laws.—By Sir W. Morrison, from Distillers of Clackmannan, against a Reduction of the Differential Duty on Rum.—By Mr. D'Eyncourt, from the Parish of St. Mary's, Newington, Lambeth, for Inquiry into the Bakers' Grievances.—From Inhabitants of Bethnal Green, and its Vicinity, complaining of the Conduct of the Police at Bonner's Fields Meeting.—By Mr. Brotherton, from Salford, Lancashire, in favour of a Secular Education.—From the Borough of Sheffield, for a Repeal of the Game Laws.—By Mr. George Thompson, from the Borough of Finsbury, for Inquiry respecting the Packing of Juries (Ireland).—By Mr. Monckton Milnes, from Justices of the Peace for the County of Norfolk, for Establishment of Reformatory and Industrial Institutions for Juvenile Offenders.—By Mr. Henry Drummond, from Guildford, in favour of a Reform in the Medical Profession.—By Mr. Cobden, from Coniston, Lancashire, for Retrenchment in the Naval and Military Expenditure; and against the Militia Enrolment.—By Lord James Stuart, from the Royal Burgh of Ayr, against a Repeal of the Navigation Laws.—By Mr. Deedes, from Guardians of the Milton Union, Kent, for an Alteration of the Poor Law—By Colonel Matheson, from Officers of the Newton Abbot Union, Devonshire, in favour of a Superannuation Fund for Poor Law Officers.