§ NEW MEMBERS SWORN.—For (Cheltenham, Hon. Craven Fitzhardinge Berkeley; For Horsham, William Robert Seymour Fitzgerald, Esq.
§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Juvenile Offenders (Ireland); Trustees Relief (Ireland).
§ 2° County Cess (Ireland).
§ Reported.—Landlord and Tenant (Ireland).
§ 3° Prisons.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Dr. Bowring, Mr. Kershaw, and other Hon. Members, from an Immense Number of Places, in favour of an Extension of the Elective Franchise.—By Mr. C. P. Grenfell, and other Hon. Members, from several Places, for a Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. Marshall, from Leeds, for Inquiry into the Case of the Rajah of Sattara,—By Mr. Master-man, from several Merchants of London, for Exemption of Stock in Bond and on Board Ship from the Proposed Alterations in the Sugar Duties.—By Sir J. Pakington, from Magistrates of the County of Worcester, for an Alteration of the Highways Bill.—By Mr. W. Miles, from Justices of the Peace in Quarter Sessions assembled, for the Establishment of Reformatory and Industrial Institutions for Juvenile Offenders.—By Captain Dalrymple, from the Commissioners of Supply of the County of Wigtown, for an Alteration of the Lunatic Asylums (Scotland) Bill.—By Sir J. Y. Buller, from Guardians of the Poor of the Newton Abbot Union, Devonshire, for an Alteration of the Law respecting Mendicancy.—By Mr. Ord, from the shipowners of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, against the Merchant Seamen's Fund Bill.—By Viscount Morpeth, from Guardians of the Bradford Union, for an Alteration of the Poor Law.