§ MR. W. MILESwished to ask the President of the Poor Law Commission a question relating to vagrancy. Had the right hon. Gentleman turned his attention to the point; and if so, did he intend to propose any legislative enactment on the subject?
§ MR. C. BULLERassured his hon. Friend that not only had the subject engaged his own attention, but it was one to which the attention of all the Commissioners had been frequently and most painfully directed. He was endeavouring to obtain the fullest possible information connected with it, as he had reason to know from the communica- 460 tions he already had received, that it was a great and growing evil. At the same time his hon. Friend would, he was sure, not press him to state more than that the subject was under the serious consideration of the authorities. This he would say to his hon. Friend, that if it should appear the subject was an evil of that magnitude that required legislative interference, he might be assured that he (Mr. C. Buller) would not fail to propose it.