§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Bankrupts' Release; Poor Removal (England and Scotland); Battersea Park, &c.
§ 2° Millbank Prison; Slave Trade (Equator); Slave Trade (Muscat).
§ Reported.—Commons Inclosure Act Amendment; Sheep, &c. Contagious Disorders Prevention; Transfer of Landed Property (Ireland).
§ 3° and passed:—Labouring Poor (Ireland); Controverted Elections.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Peto, from the City of Norwich, for an Extension of the Elective Franchise.—By Mr. Disraeli, from Landowners, and Others, of the Parish of Lewknor Uphill, in the County of Oxford, respecting the Proposed Demolition of Ackhampstead Chapel.—By Mr. Peto, from Members of the Congregation of Wesleyan Methodists of the Town of Banbury, Oxfordshire, and from several other Places, in favour of a Better Observance of the Lord's Day—By Mr. George Thompson, from Rungo Bapojee, the Agent of His Highness Shahoo Maharaj (the Adopted Son of the deceased Rajah of Sattara), seeking Redress for his Master's Grievances.—From Bankers, Merchants, and Others, of the Norwich Chamber of Commerce, for an Alteration of the Bankruptcy Act.—By Mr. Napier, from several Places in Ireland, for Encouragement to Schools in Connexion with the Church Education Society (Ireland).—By Mr. Peto, from the Ministers of the British Association of Baptist Churches, in favour of a Recognition of the Principle of Equal Justice.—By Mr. Headlam, from the Board of Guardians of the Teesdale Union, in the Counties of York and Durham, for an Alteration of the Law respecting Mendicants.—By Mr. Mackinnon, from the Bethnal Green Sanitary Association, for an Alteration of the Nuisances and Contagious Diseases Bill.—By Mr. George Hamilton, from the Dublin and Drogheda Railway Company, for Licensing Omnibus Carriages (Dublin).—By Mr. Parker, from Officers employed in the Ecclesfield Bierlow Union, in the Counties of York and Derby, for a Superannuation Fund for Poor Law Officers.—By Mr. Cobden, from Members of the Bramley District of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, against the Provident Associations Fraud Prevention Bill.—By Mr. Price, from the Inhabitants of Hereford, to take the State of Turnpike Trusts into Consideration.