§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Charity Trust Regulations; Commons Inclosure (No. 2); Transfer of Landed Property (Ireland).
§ 2° Commons Inclosure Act Amendment; Ecclesiastical Patronage Suits Compromise (Ireland).
§ Reported.—Steam Navigation; Spirits (Dealers in); British Spirits warehousing; Petty Bag, &c Offices (Court of Chancery).
§ 3° and passed:—Turnpike Acts Continuance; Poor Law Union District Schools; Money Order Department (Post Office): Boroughs Incorporation.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord G. Bentinck, from the Borough of Kinsale, for Instituting an Inquiry respecting the late Election for that Place.—By Mr. Bouverie, from Launceston, for an Alteration of the Law respecting the Church of England Clergy.—By Mr. Wilson Patten, from Members of the Congregation of Primitive Methodists, of the Town of Burnley, Lancashire, for a Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. Pattison, from Members of the General Body of Protestant Dissenting Ministers, resident in London, for Withdrawal of the Regium Donum Grant.—By Mr. Goulburn, from Inhabitants of the Parish of Hanover, in Jamaica, to take the State of the West India Colonies into Consideration.—By Mr. Hume, from Householders of Edinburgh, for the Abolition of the Annuity Tax (Scotland).—By Lord G. Bentinck, from Engineers, Miners, and Others, of several Places in Cornwall, against the Copper and Lead Duties Bill.—By Mr. Cardwell, from Merchants, and Others, of Liverpool, for Retrenchment of the Naval and Military Expenditure.—By Mr. Osman Ricardo, from several Lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for an Extension of the Benefit Societies Act.—By Sir John Romilly, from the Town of Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire, in favour of the Charity Trust Regulations Bill.—By Colonel Dunne, from the Grand Jury of the County of Galway, for Relief of the Distress (Ireland).—By Mr. Mackinnon, from James Logan, 2, Norfolk Street, Marylebone, in favour of Instructing Schoolmasters and Ministers in the Gaelic Language.—By Mr. Lushington, from Members of the Health of London Association, for Alteration of the Nuisances and Contagious Diseases Bill By Viscount Melgund, from the Presbytery of St. Andrew's, Fifeshire, for Improving the Parish Schools (Scotland).—By Colonel Dunne, from Members of the Grand Jury of Galway, for Inquiry respecting the Working of the Poor Law (Ireland).—By Mr. H. Berkeley, from Officers employed in the West-bury-upon-Severn Union, Gloucestershire, in favour of a Superannuation Fund for Poor Law Officers.—By Mr. Hume, from the Presbytery of Meigle, against the Registering Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Boyd, from the Town of Coleraine, in favour of the Renewable Leasehold Conversion Bill.—By Viscount Morpeth, from a Number of Persons, Frequenters of Hyde Park, and Others, respecting the State of the Serpentine River.