§ On the question that the Sugar Duties Bill be reported,
§ LORD G. BENTINCKtrusted that the right hon. Baronet the Chancellor of the Exchequer would not bring up the report upon the Sugar Duties Bill, unless he wished the name of Wood to be immortalised in this Bill of blunders. If he persevered, there would he nothing but laughter at him and the hon. Member for West-bury. There was not a merchant in the City who would take the Chancellor of the Exchequer for his clerk. He was sure if this Bill was persevered in, there was not a merchant's clerk in the City who would not believe that he ought to be the Chan- 1159 cellor of the Exchequer. It was, therefore, as a friend of the Government he came forward. He did not care a jot about the blunders, as they were all in favour of the West Indies; be only desired not to see the right hon. Gentleman become ridiculous.
§ The CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERbelieved the calculations on which the duties were based were correct, and he would persevere in bringing up the report. He was quite willing that no merchant in the City should receive him as a clerk.
§ Bill reported. To be read a third time.
§ On the Motion of Mr. PARKER, the House at its rising adjourned to Monday next.
§ House adjourned at Two o'clock.