HC Deb 02 March 1847 vol 90 c679

, with reference to a notice of his which stood upon the Paper— To call the attention of the House to the petitions from Warrington, complaining of the conduct of Messrs. Lyon and Stubbs, justices of the county of Lancaster, in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction, on the trial of four working men for leaving their employ"— said, he had understood that this subject had been under the consideration of the Government, and he hoped that the result of that consideration would render it unnecessary for him to bring the subject before the House. The right hon. Baronet the Secretary of State for the Home Department would, perhaps, state what had been the result.


said, the subject had been considered, not with respect to the merits of the case, but with regard to the proceedings, which he understood were informal and invalid in law. The remedy given by the statute in such cases, by removal of the record of conviction into the Court of Queen's Bench, would be useless and inapplicable to this case; and, under the circumstances, he had deemed it his duty to quash the conviction.


said he was satisfied.