HC Deb 22 June 1847 vol 93 c798

, seeing the Undersecretary for the Colonies in his place, wished to ask whether it was the case that the Governor General of Canada had issued proclamations giving the United States' vessels privilege to enter the port of Montreal, and to use the free navigation of the river St. Lawrence; and if so, whether such a proceeding was not at variance with the navigation laws, and had not been adopted with a view to such further alterations as would permit the products of the United States to he exported through Canada to Great Britain and the British possessions, the same as British products?


observed, that the proclamation referred to had not been received at the Foreign Office. he understood, however, that such permission as the gallant Officer had alluded to had been granted to small American boats to go up the St. Lawrence; but it was merely pending the temporary suspension of the navigation laws, and had no reference to the present question of the repeal of those laws.

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