HC Deb 16 June 1847 vol 93 cc620-1

wished to learn from the Vice-President of the Board of Trade, whether it were his intention to proceed with the Bill which he had been pleased to call the Agricultural Statistics Bill?


felt that there would be no opportunity of pressing this Bill to a successful result, as he wished. As matters therefore stood, for the present Session, he was of opinion that it would be as well at once to discharge the order for the further stages of this Bill.


was extremely sorry to hear the conclusion at which the right hon. Gentleman had arrived. There could not be a more beneficial measure, and more especially to the agricultural interest. He understood that one of the chief objections to the Bill arose from the local expense which would attend its being carried into effect; if this were the case, he hoped the Chancellor of the Exchequer would find no difficulty in paying the necessary expenses out of the Consolidated Fund.


was also sorry to hear that the Bill was to be abandoned, as he regarded it as an important measure. Its value had been much underrated, and the experience of the last two or three months was fully sufficient to show this. To the smaller farmers it would prove a most beneficial measure. The right hon. Gentleman who had brought it forward had rendered a benefit to agriculture; and he regretted that the right hon. Gentleman had not been supported in it by the agricultural interest as he should have been. He could assure the right hon. Gentleman that all those who were best acquainted with their duties as agriculturists and farmers, felt indebted to him for the exertions which he had already made, and they trusted that he would press it next Session.

Matter postponed.

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