HC Deb 09 June 1847 vol 93 c256

PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Threatening Letters, &c.; Insolvent Debtors.

2° Seduction and Prostitution.

Reported.—Prisoners Removal (Ireland).

3° and passed:—Stage Carriages, &c. Duties; Soap Allowances.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Hume, from Sufferers by the Fire of the 9th of June in Newfoundland, respecting the Application of certain Monies.—By Mr. Ricardo, from Westminster, for Inquiry respecting the Rajah of Sattara.—By Mr. M. Gibson, from Chamber of Commerce, Manchester, for Removing the Restrictions on the Importation of Corn.—By Mr. Hume, from Lymington, for Redress, in relation to the Land Tax—By several hon. Members, from various places, for Alteration of the Proposed Plan of Education—By Mr. Gisborne, from Guardians of the Nottingham Union, for Repeal of the Game Laws.—By Mr. Brotherton, from the Compositors of London, in favour of the Health of Towns Bill; and from the Wakefield Waterworks Company, for Alteration of the same.—By Mr. Craven Berkeley, from Cheltenham, and Mr. Wilson Patten, from Lancaster, against the Medical Registration and Medical Law Amendment Bill; and from several places, against the same.—By Mr. Muntz, from Shipjoiners of London, against the Repeal of the Navigation Laws.—By Sir G. Strickland, from Brewers of Preston, for Alteration of the Police Clauses Bill.—By Mr. Hume, from George Duggan, of Birmingham, Architect, for Inquiry into the Conduct of the Poor Law Commissioners. — By Mr. Hume, from Shipowners of Southwold, in favour of the Ports, Harbours, &c. Bill (1846).—By Mr. Spooner, from several places, for the Suppression of Promiscuous Intercourse.—By Mr. Muntz, from Merchants and Manufacturers of Birmingham, for the Regulation of Railways and Canals.—By Mr. Butler, from Kilkenny, in favour of the Railways (Ireland, No. 2) Bill.—By Mr. S. Crawford, from Commissioners for Lighting, Paving, Cleansing, Watching, Regulating, and Improving the Town of Rochdale, for Relief respecting the Rochdale Improvement Bill.—By Mr. Du Pre, from Farmers and Graziers, against the Removal of Smithfield Market; and by Mr. Spooner, from several places, in favour of the same.—By Mr. Brotherton; from several places, for referring National Disputes to Arbitration.