§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Amendment; Borough Police Superannuation Fund, Reported.—Commons Inclosure (No. 3).
§ 3° and passed:—New Zealand (No. 2); Canal Companies; Militia Pay; Trustees Relief.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. M. Philips, from Manchester, against the Bishopric of Manchester, &c. Bill.—By Mr. Fox Maule, from Members of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, respecting Churches (Scotland).—By Mr. Hume, from Inhabitants of St. Paul's, Deptford, for Inquiry respecting the Deptford Charities; and from Shareholders in the Great Eastern and Western Railway, for Inquiry in relation to that Company.—By Mr. S. Wortley, from the Widow of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Munn, of the 27th Regiment of Madras Native Infantry, for Redress.—By Sir Howard Douglas, from Shipwrights of Liverpool, and Mr. Lid-dell, from Merchants and Shipowners of Bideford and Bamstaple, against the Repeal of the Navigation Laws.—By Mr. W. H. Bodkin, from Ratepayers of Leominster, in favour of the Poor Removal Act Amendment (No. 2) Bill.—By Mr. Hume, from Thomas Moore, of Broad-street, Golden-square, London, for Inquiry as to the Reasons assigned by British Seamen for Deserting in such large numbers from Her Majesty's Naval Service.