HC Deb 21 January 1847 vol 89 c207

acquainted the House that his warrant for the appointment of Members to serve on the General Committee of Elections was upon the Table. Warrant read, as follows:— Pursuant to an Act passed in the 8th year of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled 'An Act to amend the Law for the Trial of Controverted Elections of Members to serve in Parliament,' I do hereby appoint The right honourable Sidney Herbert, Member for the Southern Division of the County of Wilts; The right honourable Fox Maule, Member for the Town of Perth; Thomas Grimston Bucknall Escourt, esquire, Member for the University of Oxford; William Villiers Stuart, esquire, Member for the County of Waterford; Joseph Brotherton, esquire, Member for the Borough of Salford; And William Miles, esquire, Member for the Eastern Division of the County of Somerset; To be Members of the General Committee of Elections for the present Session. Given under my hand, this 21st day of January, 1847. CHARLES SHAW LEFEVRE, Speaker.

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