MR. H. J. BAILLIEsaid, the House was aware that, under the Drainage Act, large sums of money had been applied for by proprietors of land in Scotland; but it had been recently stated, in a letter written by Mr. Blamire, the secretary to the commission for carrying out that Act, that it was meant to include, not only draining, 405 but fencing, trenching, and the general clearing of waste lands. Now, he wished to know, whether it was the intention of Her Majesty's Ministers to introduce a new Bill for effecting that object, and if so, when that Bill was likely to be laid on the Table of the House?
§ SIR G. GREYsaid, the draught of a Bill had been prepared for amending the Drainage Act of last Session, and to extend the objects for which that Act was passed to other purposes than mere draining. In a day or two the Bill would be laid before the House.
§ MR. HUMEwished to know whether there was any objection on the part of the Government to bring in a Bill to enable persons having land entailed to sell a portion to raise money for improvement, instead of burdening the country in this way.
§ SIR GEORGE GREYhad not stated that in the amended Bill which he proposed to lay on the Table, there would be any authority to advance an additional sum of money, but merely that it would authorize the application of the 2,000,000l. granted last year to other purposes besides draining. The whole subject was under the consideration of the Lord Advocate, and the Bill would be laid on the Table in a short time.