HC Deb 22 February 1847 vol 90 c310

wished to put a question to the right hon. Gentleman the Secretary for Ireland, of which he had given notice on Saturday. He wished to ask whether Government intended to persevere in making a grant of 50,000l. for the purchase of seed in Ireland; and if so, whether it would be given in kind or money, and what were the arrangements intended? The subject was one of vital importance at the present moment.


said, Government had requested the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to issue 50,000l. for the purchase of seed, and make such arrangements as he might think best calculated to effect the arrangement in view. He believed these arrangements were now under the consideration of the Lord Lieutenant; but he was not yet prepared to inform his hon. Friend of the precise mode to be adopted. This much, however, he was able to state to his hon. Friend, that it was not intended to make any grant of money for the purchase of seed; and whatever assistance was given would not be in money.