§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Poor Rates (Ireland).
§ 2° Landed Property (Ireland).
§ 3° and passed:—Destitute Persons (Ireland); Distilling from Sugar.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Sir W. Clay, from Bethnal Green, Mr. Dennistoun, from Glasgow, and Mr. M. Philips, from Manchester, for Alteration of Law respecting the Registration of Voters.—By Mr. Watson, from Cambridge for Inquiry respecting the same.—By Dr. Bowring, from Inhabitants of the Islands of Malta, and Gozo, for a National Representative Council in those Islands.—By Mr. M. Gibson, from Josiah Dearden, of Manchester, for Abolition of Duty on Apprentices' Indentures.—By Mr. Evans, from Attorneys and Solicitors of Chesterfield, for Repeal of the Stamp Duty on Attorneys' Certificates.—By Mr. M. Gibson, from the Chamber of Commerce, Manchester, for Repeal of the Duty on Copper Ores.—By Mr. P. Howard, from the Liverpool Steam Navigation Company, and Shipowners of St. Ives, Cornwall, for carrying into effect the Recommendations of the Select Committee respecting Lighthouses.—By Mr. Chute, from the Board of Guardians of the Freebridge Lynn Union, for Rating the Owners in Lieu of the Occupiers of Tenements.—By Sir H. Douglas, from East India and China Association of Liverpool, for Reduction of the Duty on Tea.—By Mr. Williams, from Lampeter (Cardigan), respecting the Use of the Welsh Language in the County Courts of Wales.—By Sir Robert Peel, from Galashiels, against the Factories Bill.—By Viscount Newry and Morne, from Poor Law Guardians of Newry, for Relief of the Destitute Poor in Ireland.—By Mr. Mitcalfe, from Tynemouth, against the Repeal of the Navigation Laws.—By Mr. Bankes, and other Hon. Members, from several places, for Repeal or Alteration of the Poor Removal Act.—By Mr. Bright, from Chairman of a Public Meeting convened at the National Hall, Holborn, for Abolition of the Punishment of Death.—By Colonel Conolly, from several places in Irelond, in Favour of the Railways (Ireland) Bill.—By Mr. Mitcalfe, from Tynemouth, for the Prevention of Smoke.—By Mr-Cabbell, from Inhabitants of Chishill, for referring Disputes respecting War to Arbitration.