HC Deb 04 February 1847 vol 89 c773

wished to know what course had been adopted for the regulation of the New Colleges in Ireland. The preliminary works were not yet commenced. He believed that there was some difficulty as to the ecclesiastical branch of the subject, and he believed that the noble Lord himself had suggested a mode by which they might be probably terminated. He hoped the noble Lord would have no objection to state what prospect there was of these matters being regulated in such a manner as to give satisfaction to persons of all persuasions?


could assure the hon. Gentleman, that very great attention had been paid to the subject. The right hon. Gentleman the Secretary for Ireland had devoted a good deal of time to it. He certainly had hopes that the differences which existed would be removed. He could not then state what these arrangements were, nor when they would be completed. The subject, however, was receiving every attention; and when a final arrangement had been come to, he would be ready to give an answer to the hon. Gentleman.

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