§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Removal Amendment.
§ 2° Highways.
§ Reported.—Lunatic Asylums.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord J. Russell, from Rigby Wason, Esq., for Alteration of Law with respect to Bribery at Elections.—By Mr. F. Dundas, and Sir A. L. Hay, from several places in Scotland, against the Marriage (Scotland) Bill.—From Ratepayers of the Town and Parish of Presteign, in the Counties of Radnor and Hereford, in favour of the Rating of Tenements (No. 2) Bill.—By a great many Hon. Members, from an immense number of places, for and against the Government Plan of Education.—By the Chancellor of the Exchequer, from Halifax, in favour of the Health of Towns Bill.—By Lord J. Russell, from Guardians of Carrick-on-Shannon Union, against the Introduction of a certain Clause in the Poor Relief (Ireland) Bill.—By Mr. Divett, from Governor, Deputy-Governor, Assistants, and Guardians of the Poor of the City and County of the City of Exon, for Repeal or Alteration of the Poor Removal Act.—By Sir H. Campbell, and other Hon. Members, from several places in Scotland, against the Registering Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill, and Marriage (Scotland) Bill; and by Mr. Hume, from Parish Schoolmasters and Session Clerks of Forfar and Argyleshire, for Compensation in respect of the same.—From Bath, for the Suppression of Promiscuous Intercourse.