HC Deb 13 April 1847 vol 91 c747

moved for leave to bring in a Bill to remove doubts as to Quakers' and Jews' marriages solemnized before the 2nd day of March 1837. The hon. Member said, that in the recent investigation of the law of marriage, which had taken place in consequence of certain questions that arose with respect to the marriages of Presbyterians in Ireland, doubts had been thrown out by some of the Judges on the bench as to the validity of the marriages of Jews and Quakers since the Act of 1835; and it was to remove those doubts that he now proposed to bring in a Bill.


said, he was assured by a very high legal authority that no such doubt as that alluded to by the hon. and learned Gentleman did really exist; but, as some doubt had certainly been thrown out from the bench, there could be no objection to the introduction of this Bill.

Motion agreed to.