§ PUBLIC BILLS.—Reported. Superintendent of Convicts.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. O'Connell, from an immense number of places, for Release of William Smith O'Brien, Esq.—By several hon. Members, from various places, complaining of the Refusal of Proprietors of Land to grant Sites in suitable places, or on any Terms, for the Erection of Churches for the Free Church in Scotland.—By Mr. Hawes, from Inhabitants of Hastings and St. Leonard's, and by Mr. Traill, from Members of the Free Provincial Synod of Caithness and Sutherland, assembled at Wick, for the Adoption of Measures for promoting the Due Observance of the Lord's Day.—By the Marquess of Granby, from Secular Clergymen and Laymen of the Town of Stamford and its Vicinity, professing the Roman Catholic Religion, in favour of the Roman Catholic Relief Bill.—By Mr. Mainwaring, from Minister, Churchwardens, and Parishioners of Llanferres, against the Union of the Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor, but providing for the Immediate Appointment of a Bishop to the newly erected See of Manchester.—By Sir William Molesworth, from George Shillibeer, of the City Road, Finsbury, for Repeal of Post Horse Duties, &c.—By Mr. Barnard, from Members of the Art Union of London, resident in the Town of Deptford and its Vicinity, in favour of the Art Unions Bill.—By Mr. John Henry Vivian, from Proprietors and Members of the Public Library at Neath, in favour of the Corresponding Societies and Lecture Rooms Bill.—By several hon. Members, from various places, for Limiting the Hours of Labour in Factories to Ten for Five Days in the Week, and Eight on the Saturday.—By Sir Howard Douglas, from Ropemakers of the Port of Liverpool, who use Steam Power in their Works, for Exempting Ropemakers from the Operation of the Factories Acts. — By Mr. Busfeild, from Worsted Spinners and Manufacturers of the Borough of Bradford, and by Mr. Hume, from Millowners of Blairgowrie and Rathay, against the Factories Bill.—By Mr. O'Connell, from Bankers, Merchants, and Citizens of Dublin, for Inquiry into Harbours of Refuge.—By Mr. Hawes, from Ratepayers of the Parish of Saint Mary, Lambeth, in Vestry assembled, against the Highways Bill.—By Mr. Morgan John O'Connell, from Tenants under Trinity College, and others interested in Land, in the Barony of Iraghticonner, in the County of Kerry, for Alteration of Law respecting Landlord and Tenant in Ireland.—By Mr. John Benett, from Ratepayers of the Parish of Tulloræ Royal, and from Elected Guardians of the Poor Law Union of Wilton, for Repeal or Alteration of Lunatics Act and Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics Act.—By Mr. Wawn, from Master Mariners and Seamen in the Port of Newcastle upon Tyne, for Alteration of Law respecting the Merchant Seamen's Fund.—By Mr. Labouchere, from Alexander Shafto Adair, Esq., for imposing Restrictions on Railways.