§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1°. Art Unions.
§ 2°. Indemnity.
§ 3°. and passed. Mutiny; Marine Mutiny.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Viscount Ebrington, from Members of the Wesleyan Methodist Association, Cornwall, for Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. Redhead Yorke, from Roman Catholic Electors of the City of York, in favour of the Roman Catholic Relief Bill.—By Mr. Ormsby Gore, from an immense number of places, against a Repeal of the Corn Laws.—By Mr. Hume, from Merchants, Shipbuilders, and others, of Leith, and 2 by Mr. Thornely, from Members of the American Chamber of Commerce, Liverpool, for a Reduction of Duty On Timber.—By Mr. James Morrison, from Inverness, in favour of Burghs (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Cripps, from Solicitors of Her Majesty's High Court of Chancery, for Inquiry respecting Compensations.—By Sir Benjamin Hall, from Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Pancras, against Union with other Parishes.—By several hon. Members, from various places, for Limiting the Hours of Labour in Factories to Ten.—By Colonel Ferguson, from Kirkcaldy, against the Factories Bill.—By Mr. Masterman, from several Benefit Societies, for Alteration of Law respecting Friendly Societies.—By Mr. M'Carthy, from Governors of Medical Charities of the City of York, for Better Regulation of Medical Charities (Ireland).—By Dr. Bowring, from Yarmouth, against Enrolment of Militia.—By Mr. Morgan, from several Persons, for a Superannuation Fund for Poor Law Officers.—By Dr. Bowring, from Newport, against War.