§ PUBLIC BILLS. — Reported. Sugar Duties; Spitalfields New Street.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Bouverie, from Members of the Free Church Congregation at Renfrew, complaining of the Refusal of Proprietors of Land to grant Sites for the Erection of Free Churches (Scotland), and praying that Means may be devised for enabling Congregations to rent or purchase Ground on Reasonable Conditions.—By Viscount Clive, and Lord Henry Lennox, from several places, against the Union of the Sees of Saint Asaph and Bangor, but at the same time providing for the Immediate Appointment of a Bishop to the newly erected See of Manchester.—By Mr. Smollett, from Moderator and Remanent Members of the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, against the Abolition of Religious Tests in the Scottish Universities. — By Lord Henry Lennox, from Guardians of the Westbourne Union, and by Viscount Morpeth, from Ratepayers of Snaith and South Crossland, against the Highways Bill.—From Minister and Members of the Remonstrant Presbyterian Congregation of Ballymoney, for the Total Abolition of Capital Punishment.