HC Deb 05 June 1846 vol 87 c102

would ask the right hon. Baronet at the head of the Government whether he had obtained any report as to the injury which it was feared might be caused to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, by the construction of a railway, the Bill for which was before the House? He was desirous to know if the right hon. Baronet would object to lay any such report on the Table to-night. If the report had not as yet been received, he hoped the hon. Member who had charge of the Railway Bill would postpone the second reading until the report was in the hands of Members.


said, that at an earlier period of the evening he was informed that one or two reports had been received; but he had just been informed that all the reports had been received, and were in possession of the Admiralty, and he had no doubt that he would be able to lay them on the Table on Monday. He trusted that the hon. Member who had charge of the Railway Bill would postpone the second reading until the Members of the House had an opportunity of reading those reports.