HC Deb 23 July 1846 vol 87 c1382

acquainted the House that he had received from the right hon. Lieutenant General Viscount Hardinge, the following letter, in return to the Thanks of this House, communicated to him in obedience to their commands of the 2nd day of March last: And the same was read, as followeth:— Simla, May 10th, 1846. Sir—I have had the honour to receive your Letter of the 6th March, conveying to me the Resolutions of the House of Commons of the 2nd of March, which I have communicated to the Commander in Chief, General Sir Hugh Gough, bart. G.C.B., and to the several General Officers referred to therein. The deliberate and unanimous expression of the approbation of the House of Commons is an honour highly appreciated by the General Officers, Officers, and Soldiers, both European and Native, of the Indian Army, employed in the late operations on the Sutlej. I have to offer to you, Sir, my best acknowledgments for the very obliging terms in which you have been pleased to communicate to me the Resolutions of the House of Commons.—With the greatest esteem and respect, I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, "H. HARDINGE. The Right Hon. the Speaker, &c. &c.

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