HC Deb 17 July 1846 vol 87 c1231

said, that he had given notice of a Motion, of very great importance to the interests of the army. That Motion was upon the subject of the estimate for provisions for the troops serving in the Colonies. That Motion was to the effect that the estimate for provisions should be so framed that the troops serving in the Colonies should not be deprived of any advantage or allowance in regard to stoppages which might be enjoyed by the forces employed in the home territory of the United Kingdom. He had given notice of that Motion in consequence of a disturbance in one of our regiments in the Colonies, arising from the discontent of the men with regard to the system of provisions. Should the correspondence on that subject be produced, it would be found that the system required alteration; but he would not now press his Motion, as the War Secretary was so new in his office. He trusted, however, that the attention of the Government would be given to the subject.


said, that as he was the colonel of the regiment in which the discontent had shown itself, he felt bound to say that the misconduct of the men had lasted but for a short time, and when fresh arangements had been made, they had returned properly to their duty. But certainly the system of making an aggregate estimate for the provisions in all the Colonies was a most objectionable system. The consequence of it was, that in certain Colonies the men were exposed to bad provisions; and it was no consolation to assure them that, in their turn, they would reach the Colonies which were better supplied.


said, that it was true that some unfortunate circumstance had occurred, as stated by the gallant Officer, but means had been taken to prevent the occurrence of similar discontent. With regard to the correspondence, he had inquired, and found that it could not properly be produced. As to the general system referred to by the gallant Members who had preceded him, he could say nothing but to assure them that the most earnest attention of the Government should be given to it.