HC Deb 17 July 1846 vol 87 cc1229-30

NEW MEMBERS SWORN. For Edinburgh, William Gibson Craig, Esq.—For Edinburgh, Right Hon. Thomas Babington Macaulay.—For Richmond, Henry Rich, Esq.

PUBLIC BILLS.—1°. Burial Service; Prisons (Ireland); Fisheries (Ireland); District Lunatic Asylums (Ireland); Grand Jury Cess Bonds (Ireland); Mandamus (Ireland); Taxation of Costs (Compensations for Land) (Ireland); Adverse Claims (Ireland).

Reported. Ordnance Survey.

. and passed. Western Australia; New Zealand Loan.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Viscount Clive, from several places, against the Union of the Sees of Saint Asaph and Bangor, but at the same time providing for the Immediate Appointment of a Bishop to the newly erected See of Manchester.—By Mr. G. Craig, from Royal Burghs of Scotland, against the Abolition of Religious Tests in the Scottish Universities.—By Mr. Byng, from the Medway Union, for the Adoption of a Measure making the Landlords of Cottages where the Rents are under £6 liable to the Poor Rates.—By Mr. Gibson Craig, from Members of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures of the City of Edinburgh, and from Royal Burghs of Scotland, for the Adoption of Measures for securing an Adequate Supply of Sugar.—By Mr. William Williams, from Inhabitants of Coventry, praying the House not to sanction, by Votes of Money, or otherwise, any further Embarkation of Troops from the United Kingdom to Foreign or Colonial Countries.—By Mr. Long, from Guardians of the Poor of the Bradford Union, for Repeal or Alteration of the Lunatics Act and Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics Act.—By Mr. Christie, from Henry Le Messurier, and from Inhabitants and Residents of Guernsey, respecting the Criminal Law of that Island.—By Mr. Gore, from Oswestry, for Establishment of Local Courts.—By Sir R. H. Inglis, from Governors of Bartholomew's Hospital, against the Charitable Trusts Bill.