MR. MOFFATTmoved for leave to bring in a Bill to alter and amend the Act 1 and 2 Victoria, c. 117, commonly known as the Railway Deposits Act. The hon. Member stated that the principal alterations which he proposed to effect in the provisions of the Act were, firstly, to empower subscribers 1145 to Railway Companies whose subscriptions shall have been invested in the public funds, or other Government securities, to transfer such securities simply to the proper officer, instead of being obliged to make cash payments; and secondly, to abolish the present clumsy and obstructive machinery of the Court of Chancery with regard to railway companies, and to effect some other simplifications of the present law.
The CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERsaid, he had no objection to the introduction of the Bill by the hon. Member; but it must be understood that he could not pledge himself to support the details.