§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord Harry Vane, from Chemists and Druggists residing at Hartlepool, in the County of Durham, praying that the Spirit Licenses and Duties Bill may pass into a Law.—By Sir George Grey, from Ratepayers of the Parish of St. Mary, in the Town and County of Southampton, in Vestry assembled, in favour of the Baths and Washhouses Bill.—From Inhabitants of Southampton, praying for the Total Abolition of the Punishment of Flogging in the Army and Navy.—By Mr. Dillon Browne, from Householders, Workmen, and Inhabitants of and in the Vicinity of Smithfield, and by Mr. Charles Russell, from Wholesale and Retail Dealers, Householders, and Inhabitants of and in the Vicinity of Middlesex Hospital, Cavendish Square, praying the House to adopt Measures for Redeeming and Extinguishing the Tolls upon Waterloo, Southwark, and Vauxhall Bridges.