§ PUBLIC BILLS.—Reported, Small Debts; District Lunatic Asylums (Ireland); Pawnbrokers; Waste Lands (Australia).
§ 3a. and passed. Railway Commissioners.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Sir William Clay, from Vestrymen of the Parish of Saint Anne, Limehouse, Middlesex, in Vestry assembled, praying the House to take the Subject of Church Rates into consideration, and that some Just and Satisfactory Measure may be adopted under which the National Church may be maintained without Disturbance of the Harmony which it is so desirable to preserve in every Community.—By Mr. Hindley, from Retail Beersellers of Ashton under Lyne and its Vicinities, in the County of Lancaster, praying that the same Rights and Privileges may be granted to them as are enjoyed at the Present Time by the Licensed Victuallers.—By Mr. William Williams, from Natives of the Principality of Wales resident in London, praying for a well-considered System of National Education for Wales.—By Mr. Thomas Wakley, from William Whybrew, of the Borough of Ipswich, in the County of Suffolk. Cooper, stating that owing to his Inability to comply with an Order issued by the Court for the Recovery of Small Debts, he was committed to the Borough Gaol of the Town of Ipswich, and treated with undue Harshness and Severity, but in accordance with the Rules of the Prison, and praying the House to take into consideration the Stringent Regulations of that Prison towards Persons in similar Circumstances.—By Dr. Bowring, from Inhabitants of Chumleigh and its Vicinity, in the County of Devon, and from Minister, Churchwardens, and Inhabitants of the Parish of Kilmore, in the Diocese and County of Meath, and by Mr. Wakley, from Inhabitants of Bury St. Edmunds and its Vicinity, in Public Meeting assembled, for the Total Abolition of the Punishment of Flogging in the Army and Navy.—By Mr. Hawes, from Electors and others, being Members of the Borough of Lambeth Association for the Abolition of Ecclesiastical Courts, praying that all Peculiars may be Abolished, and that all Compulsory Powers of any Ecclesiastical Officer, in any Matter of Religion affecting the Laity, may also be for ever Abolished.—By Sir William Clay, from Members of the Committee of the Tower Hamlets Medical Association, and by Mr. Wakley, from Edward Parker, Surgeon, of Kirkdale, in the Parish of Walton, in the County of Lancaster, and from Medical Practitioners resident in the Ossett Union, County of Essex, praying that the Medical Practitioners Bill may pass into a Law.—By Mr. Disraeli, from Journeymen Pawnbrokers of the Parish of Saint George, Southwark, in the County of Surrey, in favour of the Pawnbrokers 978 Bill.—By Mr. Hindley, from Members and Friends of the Society for the Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace, and by Mr. Plumptre, from Inhabitants of Margate and others, praying the House to insure the Insertion of a Clause in all International Treaties, binding the Parties to refer all Disputes that may arise to Arbitration, and to abide by the Decision of the Arbitrators, without having any resort to Arms.—By Sir Frederick Trench, from Wholesale and Retail Traders, Householders, and other Inhabitants of and in the Vicinity of the British Museum, Bloomsbury, and by Dr. Bowring, from Traders, and Inhabitants of and in the Vicinity of Bunhill Fields, in the Borough of Finsbury, for the Adoption of Measures for Redeeming and Extinguishing the Tolls upon Waterloo, Southwark, and Vauxhall Bridges.