§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1°. Customs (No. 2).
§ 2°. Income Tax Deduction.
§ Reported. House of Commons Offices.
§ 3°. and passed. Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics; County Works Presentments (Ireland) (No. 2); Public Works Commissioners (Ireland); Public Works, Fisheries, &c.; Public Works (Ireland) (No. 3); British Possessions.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By several hon. Members, from a great number of Chemists and Druggists, and from 738 Members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, praying that the Spirit Licenses and Duties Bill may not pass into a Law.—By Mr. Bright, from Inhabitants of Newport and Neighbourhood, Isle of Wight, Hants, praying the House not to sanction, by Votes of Money, or otherwise, any further Embarkation of Troops from the United Kingdom to Foreign or Colonial Countries.—By Mr. Milnes, from Mayor, Aldermen, Burgesses, and Inhabitants of the Borough of Kendal, and from Mayor, Corporation, Clergy, and Inhabitants of the Town of Kendal, for the Adoption of some Measure respecting the Employment and Reformation of Discharged Prisoners.—By Mr. Wakley, from Richard Quain, M.D., from Resident Medical and Surgical Officers of University College Hospital, and from General Practitioners in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, residing at North Curry, in the County of Somerset, praying that the Medical Practitioners Bill may pass into a Law.—By Mr. Attorney General, from Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Kidderminster, in favour of the Small Debts Bill.