§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1°. New Zealand Government; New Zealand Loan Act Amendment; Court of Exchequer (Ireland); Ports, Harbours, &c.; Tithe Amendment.
§ 2°. Private Bills.
§ Reported. Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics; County Works Presentments (Ireland) (No. 2); Public Works Commissioners (Ireland); Public Works, Fisheries, &c.; Public Works (Ireland) (No. 3); Naval and Military Departments; Contagious Diseases Prevention; Marriages (Ireland).
§ 3°. and passed. Public Works and Fisheries.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. O'Connell, from Teetotallers of the City of Dublin and its Vicinity, for the Adoption of Measures for promoting the Due Observance of the Lord's Day. — By Mr. Thomas Duncombe, from Thomas Callan, an Inhabitant of the Town of Ardee, in the County of Louth, praying for the Abolition of the Malt Tax; a Reduction of the Duty on Teas; that the Growth of Tobacco be permitted in Great Britain and Ireland; and that, to make up for any Deficiency of Revenue, the Rate of Interest on the Funded Debt be reduced One Half per Centum per Annum.—By Mr. Mackinnon, from Inhabitants of Bradford, for an Investigation into the Working of the Anatomy Act, with a View to its Repeal.—By Mr. Wakley, from Rector, Churchwardens, and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint Andrew, Holborn, in the City of London, and from Guardians of the Poor of the Holborn Union, in the said Parish, praying that the Baths and Washhouses Bill may pass into a Law.—By Mr. Thomas Dun-combe, from John Watt, of Princes Street, Stamford Street, London, Gentleman, for Inquiry into the Case of Caroline Amelia Davis.—By Viscount Ebrington, from Inhabitants of the Borough of South Molton, in the County of Devon, and from Inhabitants of Mansfield, in the County of Nottingham, for the Abolition of the Punishment of Flogging in the Army and Navy.—By Mr. Mackinnon, from Working Men, Inhabitants of the Township of Ardwick, in the Borough of Manchester, for the Adoption of Measures for Promoting the Health of Towns.—By Mr. Wakley, from Practitioners of Medicine and Surgery resident in the Parish of Reading, in favour of the Medical Practitioners Bill.—By Mr. Thomas Duncombe, from John Quail, M.D., and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of London, for Inquiry into the Case of Martha Eliza Rhoda Shuttleworth.—By Mr. Brotherton, 708 from Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood of Stourbridge, in the County of Worcester, assembled at a Public Meeting convened by Two of the Magistrates acting in and for the said Town and Neighbourhood, and by Lord Marcus Hill, from Town Council of the Borough of Evesham, in favour of the Small Debts Bill.—By Mr. Hume, from Resident Inhabitants of the Borough of the Tower Hamlets, for the Appointment of a Paid Judge to the Tower Hamlets Small Debts Court.—From Merchants, Warehousemen, Brokers, Traders, and Residents of and in the Vicinity of St. Paul's and the General Post Office, in the City of London, for the Adoption of Measures for Redeeming and Extinguishing the Tolls upon Waterloo and other Bridges.