HC Deb 06 August 1846 vol 88 cc367-8

On the Motion for the Third Reading of the Spirit Licenses and Duties Bill,


begged to state, that the chymists and druggists were by no means satisfied with this Bill, which, if passed, would place no fewer than 3,000 chymists and druggists under the Excise laws, and compel them to take out spirit licenses. Now, this was a very objectionable measure, and as it had been before the House only since the 27th of July, he would ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he considered it fair that a Bill, affecting so extensively such a large class of persons, should be pushed so hastily through the House? What the parties complaining of the measure required was more time to consider the question. The druggists throughout the country knew nothing whatever of the measure; those resident in London had not had time to consider it; and if it passed, the Members of that House would be sure to hear from their constituents complaints, loud and long, as to its provisions. Nothing but the strongest necessity could justify such a measure; but all he now asked from the right hon. Gentleman was, that he would allow the Bill to be postponed to Monday week, in order to give full time for its consideration.


said, the Bill arose from a case of absolute necessity; it was prepared by the late Government in consequence of great frauds having been discovered by the sale of spirituous admixtures on the premises of chemists and druggists. He had already stated to the House that certain amendments were proposed to be made in the Bill, which he understood to be satisfactory to a deputation which had waited on him. He would, therefore, propose that the Bill be now read a third time; that it be reprinted with those amendments, and the further progress of the Bill postponed until that day week, when ample time would be given for considering the measure, as amended, before it could finally pass the House.

Bill read a third time. To be reprinted with amendments. Further proceedings on the Bill adjourned.