HC Deb 01 April 1846 vol 85 cc371-2

NEW WRIT. For Richmond, v. the Hon. William Nicholas Ridley Colborne, deceased.

PUBLIC BILLS.—1°. Insolvent Debtors (India).

. Railway, &c. Deposits; Administration of Criminal Justice.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Newdegate, from Persons entitle to Vote at any Election of a Member or Members to Serve in Parliament for the Eastern Division of the County of Gloucester, alleging Fraudulent and Vexatious Objections to Votes of Electors.—By Mr. Aldam, Mr. Brotherton, Viscount Ebrington, and Viscount Morpeth, from several places, for Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Sir Robert Harry Inglis, from Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Sidwell's, for Repeal of the Maynooth College Act. — By Mr. Broadley, from Catholic Freeholders and others resident in the Southern Division of Holderness, in favour of the Roman Catholic Relief Bill.—By Sir Robert Harry Inglis, from Rural Dean and Clergy of the South Western Division of the Deanery of Chalke, and Clergy of the Rural Deanery of Cirencester, against Union of St. Asaph and Bangor Dioceses.—By Lord G. Bentinck, from Inhabitants of the Tower Hamlets, against the proposed Government Measure respecting Customs and Corn Importation.—By Sir Robert Peel, from Shipowners in Leith, in favour of the proposed Measure respecting Timber.—By Captain Pechell, from Henry Hugh Pyke, Esq., Barrister, of 87, Chancery Lone, complaining of being Expelled from the Bar on Frivolous Charges, and praying for Inquiry.—By Mr. Ewart, from Members of the Cornwall Building and Provident Institution, for Alteration of Benefit Building Societies Act.—By Sir Robert Harry Inglis, from Vestrymen of the Parishes of Saint Giles-in-the-Fields, and Saint George, Bloomsbury, against Union with other Parishes.—By several hon. Members, from an immense number of places, for Limiting the Hours of Labour of Children and Young Persons employed in Factories to Ten.—By Mr. John O'Brien, from Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of Limerick, for Improvement of Limerick Harbour.—By Mr. Acland, and Mr. Sidney Herbert, from Ratepayers of the Parishes of Sutton Mallett and Donhead St. Andrew, for Repeal or Alteration of the Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics Act.—By Viscount Morpeth, from Board of Guardians of the Skipton Union, for Alteration of the Poor Law.—By Viscount Morpeth, from Roman Catholic Chaplains in the Workhouses in the United Diocese of Down and Connor, for appointing Roman Catholics to certain Offices under the Poor Law (Ireland).—By Viscount Morpeth, Mr. Robert Palmer, and Mr. Wawn, from a number of Persons, for a Superannuation Fund for Poor Law Officers.—By Lord George Bentinck, from Guardians of the Poor of the Borough of King's Lynn, and by Mr. Trelawny, from Guardians of the Poor of Tavistock Union, against the Poor Removal Bill.—By Mr. William Smith O'Brien, from James O'Sullivan, of Liverpool, for Protection of Labourers on Public Works.—By Mr. Dennistoun, from Bankers, Merchants, Manufacturers, and other Inhabitants of the City of Glasgow, for restricting the Number of Railways.—By Mr. Forbes, from Distillers in Athole and Strathtay, complaining of Grievances in the Spirit Trade.