§ Mr. Hindleycomplained that he and several Members having been by accident shut out from the first division; he desired the doorkeeper to admit him the moment the numbers of that division were declared. The door was not opened; and they were shut out from the second division also. It was very desirable the Speaker should give his opinion on the point, whether the doors ought to be opened to Members on a second and different division?
§ Sir E. Filmeralso complained of having been excluded in the same manner.
§ Mr. Speakersaid, although hon. Members might be shut out from a first division, they ought to be admitted to the second. It must have been by some misapprehension on the part of the officer of the House that the hon. Members had been excluded.
§ Mr. Hawessaid, he had been discussing a point of common interest with some metropolitan Members, and it was only by accident he was shut out from the first division. He distinctly applied to have the door opened on the second division; but the officer declined to open it. If this was a mistake on the part of the doorkeeper, he hoped the Speaker would convey to him the opinion he had expressed, that the accident might not again occur.
§ Mr. Speakersaid, he would take care the mistake should not happen again.
§ House adjourned at two o'clock.