§ Sir G. Cockburnsaid, a question had been asked of him the other night, by the hon. and gallant Officer opposite (Sir Charles Napier), as to whether the Admiralty were prepared to alter their former order regulating the granting of pensions to wounded officers. He thought it right, in explanation of the answer which he had given on that occasion, to add, that the Government always reserved to themselves the right of recommending to Her Majesty to grant pensions in extraordinary cases of good conduct or otherwise, even where the wound was not of a nature to cause the loss of a limb. He thought this explanation necessary, lest it should be supposed, that whenever an officer was wounded, he would be entitled to an annual pension.
§ Sir Charles Napiersaid, it would be much better that parents, before sending their sons into the Navy, should know that no pensions would be given for any wound 501 which was not equivalent to the loss of a limb. He thought the Navy would be treated better, if they were at once informed, that in all cases of wounds not involving loss of limb no pension would be given, instead of being left, as at present, in doubt and uncertainty as to the matter.