HC Deb 24 July 1845 vol 82 c1077
The Earl of Lincoln

said, he had had a Notice on the Books of the House for some weeks past, to move for leave to introduce a measure with reference to the health of towns, founded on the Report of the Commission appointed two years ago, which Report was laid on the Table in February last. He had been most anxious to give a general outline of the measure; but at this late hour of the night, and at this advanced period of the Session, he thought it would be better to ask leave to introduce the Bill without any comment. Had time allowed, he would have taken the opportunity, on introducing the Bill, of giving an ample statement of its details. Such a statement would, however, occupy considerable time; and if he were to postpone the Bill to a future day he could not expect, at this period of the Session, to gain the attention of the House to the dry details of a measure of this description. He would, therefore, merely move that the Bill be read a first time and printed, in order that it might be considered during the recess, and brought forward at an early period of the next Session. He hoped the public would examine the provisions of the Bill, and that its details would be fully canvassed. He trusted also that hon. Members of that House who represented large constituencies would devote some attention to the measure, and make such suggestions to the Government as they might deem advisable. The noble Lord then moved for leave to bring in a Bill "for the improvement of the sewerage and drainage of towns and populous districts, and for making provision for an ample supply of water, and for otherwise promoting the health and convenience of the inhabitants."

Leave given.

Bill brought in and read a first time.

Ordered to be printed.

House adjourned at a quarter before two o'clock.