HC Deb 24 February 1845 vol 77 c1042
Mr. Williams

said, he wished to ask the right hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he had reconsidered the determination to which he said, on Friday last, he had come, in reference to the Sugar Duties taking effect from the day on which the Resolution should pass? The reason he asked the question was, that several communications had been received by him from Sugar Merchants, complaining of the haste manifested by Her Majesty's Government in coming to this determination, inasmuch as that those merchants had large stocks on hand, and they would, therefore be seriously affected by the change, if a drawback were not allowed until they had disposed of their stock on hand.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

said, that he received daily several communications upon the subject of the hon. Member's question. But there existed great difference of opinion amongst those who were most nearly concerned. It seemed quite certain that if a future day was named for the duties being taken off, no sugar would be taken out of bond in the interval. Therefore, upon full consideration of all the applications made to the Government, he thought it would be better to say nothing further at present than that he would, on Wednesday, be prepared to say what course he intended to take as to fixing a day for the Resolution to taka effect.

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